Andrew Dudum: hims & hers

Andrew Dudum, hims & hers, The Founder Hour, Podcast

Andrew Dudum is the founder and CEO of hims & hers. He’s also a co-founder and General Partner at Atomic, a venture studio backed by Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, and many of the leading venture funds in the world.

Founded in 2017, hims and hers is a telehealth company that sells prescription and over-the-counter drugs online, as well as personal care products. Their mission is to eliminate the stigmas around health and wellness issues and break down barriers for people when it comes to obtaining quality healthcare. The company debuted on the NYSE in January of this year and is currently valued at about $2.5 billion.

We spoke with Andrew about his early days growing up in San Francisco and what some of his early passions were, his experience going to college at Wharton as well as his early career, what sparked the idea for hims and the problems he saw with healthcare, the early challenges he faced while building the business, why he decided to take the company public via a SPAC merger, and much more.


Andrew Dudum: @andrewdudum
hims: @hims
hers: @hers
The Founder Hour: @thefounderhour
Pat: @patricktanahan
Posh: @posh


Anne Beiler: Auntie Anne's


Morgan DeBaun: Blavity