Jordan Harbinger: The Jordan Harbinger Show
Jordan Harbinger, often referred to as “The Larry King of Podcasting” is a Wall Street lawyer turned interview talk show host, and communications and social dynamics expert.
He’s hosted a top 50 iTunes podcast for over 12 years and receives 5+ million downloads per month, making The Jordan Harbinger Show one of the most popular podcasts in the world. On the show, Jordan deconstructs the playbooks of the most successful people on earth and shares their strategies, perspectives, and practical insights with the rest of us.
Pat and Posh sat down with Jordan to hear about his childhood and his unconventional ways, as well as his experience in law school and how he got into podcasting.
Jordan also shares insight on how to crush interviews, what he finds so fascinating about “networking” and building relationships, and how he’s been able to build such a successful brand.
Wall Street Lawyer Turned World-Famous Podcaster
Radio, Podcasting, and the Future
The Biggest Problem in the World Today
Jordan Harbinger: @jordanharbinger
The Founder Hour: @thefounderhour
Pat: @patricktanahan
Posh: @posh