Steve O'Dell: Tenzo Tea

Steve O'Dell, Tenzo Tea, Podcast

Steve O’Dell is the co-founder and CEO of Tenzo Tea, who sources ceremonial matcha green tea powder from Japan to create the healthiest drink on the planet.

Before stumbling upon the idea for Tenzo Tea after a Google search for “what is the healthiest form of energy?”, Steve was a volleyball star at UCLA and ended up dropping out of school to pursue entrepreneurship.

He co-founded Tenzo Tea with his friend after trying matcha for the first time and immediately experiencing the impact it had on his life and hasn’t looked back since.

Pat & Posh hung out with Steve to hear about his upbringing, first couple business ventures, how it’s been scaling the company, and the challenges he’s faced along the way.

If you’re interested in giving Tenzo Tea a try, use the code FOUNDERHOURSUB for 50% off your subscription of 30 Grams at!

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Steve O’Dell: @sodellicious
Tenzo Tea: @tenzotea
The Founder Hour: @thefounderhour
Pat: @patricktanahan
Posh: @posh


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